
This is a division of our company that really hits home. We believe that even the smallest part necessary to help our War Fighters is important enough to justify our full attention. We do not stop at the first step in trying to procure an item that is needed…we go further.

We give our full dedication to helping you either find the item you need or an answer to any problem or situation you may have. Our relationship with various countries around the world have allowed us to procure items that others deem “too hard” or “not worth the effort.”

We have worked with many large corporations including Lockheed Martin, DRS Technologies, and Raytheon.

We stock many products for improved deliveries!

Currently, we are working with a manufacturer in Canada and the DLA Diminishing Products Office to help design and produce obsolete items still needed in the field.

We can help with the difficulties in purchasing items from other countries as well. We have been able to procure items from all regions of the world including Africa, Australia, Canada, France, Italy, Singapore, United Kingdom, South Korea, Germany, and Switzerland. We have already gone through the problems and headaches of language barriers, time zones, exchange rates, customs/duties and legitimate shipping/brokerage companies…we’ve done this before, now let us work for you!